Hi there! I'm Adnan Abdat. If you're reading this, it means you've taken extra time to browse this website. Hence, thank you. For about 2 years running, I've always been grateful to our customers and loyal staff who have supported us since the first outlet opening at TTDI in 2017. With increased confidence in the business' success, I team up with my cousins to open an outlet in Kota Damansara. But how did all this start and why ribs?

My Background
I graduated with a medical degree in 2012 and was all ready to start my journey in the medical line. After 4 years of working in medical research, my interest was diverted towards business. Being brought up in a family of businessmen (and women), I guess it's natural to be "influenced" although the interest is genuine and has grown in me. With a flair for research, I studied about everything business related. Having gathered enough information and confidence, I jumped into the bandwagon selling halal beef ribs!
It was quite a risk. I was leaving my career of 4 years, probably wasting years of toiling for a degree in medicine, and having little experience. Thankfully, I have good people on board with me that are essential to the nature of this business. I have relatives who are already in the F&B business. In fact, my cousins own Meatpoint Halal Steakhouse! And our stores are just a 10-minute walk away in TTDI. My uncle owns Bedouin Arabian Cuisine which is in TTDI as well.
Another essential element to this business is the kitchen staff. Alhamdulillah, I got connected with dedicated and talented chefs. We worked together to achieve what we think makes the best beef ribs.
So, why Beef Ribs?
It all started with the love for ribs. Got to love something to sell it, right? However, the number of times I get to have a seriously good halal beef ribs in Malaysia is countable. Most of the times, the experience is not memorable. Steaks, on the other hand, are easily found (and Meatpoint's steak is one of the best few. I may be biased, but try it for yourself). Hence, that's where my inspiration came – from the lack of availability of good beef ribs in Malaysia!
What Makes Beef Ribs Good?
As a meat-lover, I thought that meat is best eaten when tender and juicy. And of course, taste plays another major role. We grind hard in the kitchen, experimenting methods to make meats tender. If you're a staff at Simply Ribs, you would know that I would not let a plate go to a customer if the meat does not "fall off the bone" with a gentle sweep of just a fork. We did numerous taste and texture tests and eventually, came up with perfection. That means, all our ingredients have to be of high quality. Our beeves are flown from New Zealand and Australia. Every detail has to be tip-top, down to the fries and side vegetables!
Our talented head chef created four main flavours of beef ribs: The "Oh Yeah!" Smokey, Spicy Dino, Jalapeño, and Sticky Beef Ribs. My favourite has to be the "Oh Yeah!" Smokey Beef Ribs. You probably can tell why the name. It started with the first bite of the tender beef ribs dipped in our signature BBQ sauce. What came from my mouth was definitely "Oh Yeah....". It's the beauty of marrying the juicy meat with delicious sauce that makes it dreamy. You can try cooking beef ribs and marinate it with store-bought BBQ sauce, but it's not the same as a homemade one along with our premium fries or buttery mashed potatoes and crisp sauteéd vegetables. We want to make sure that you remember our food.

A video on how to make our "Oh Yeah!" Smokey Beef Ribs by Butterkicap.
We also want to make sure that you genuinely enjoy your dining experience with us. Our main focus is that not only is your belly satisfied, but also your happiness. I take good service very seriously. Our staff open our doors for you, greet you with a smile and sincerity, lead you to your table, make your table if you reserve one, and send you off to the door and thank you as you leave. How do we make them do that? We treat our staff right and with respect. We have rules and SOPs, but they're allowed to work them the way they're comfortable with. We make sure that they're taken care of the way we would like them to take care of you while you dine with us.
That is the kind of dedication and quality we're sharing with you.
If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail.
Kobe Bryant
